
Exercises Files – Section 10 In learning functions, we work to understand how to declare functions, pass information to functions and to get information back from functions.  In declaring functions we use the return keyword and the parentheses to declare a function and we use brackets to enclose the function code. function name() { function

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FizzBuzz Guessing Game Falling Down the Stairs Climbing Up the Mountain

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Javascript Lesson 09

Problem Set Part 1 The ‘how are you feeling problem’, shows the use of equality between two strings.  It compares string one to string two and by using a conditional if/else statement produces an answer based on the results. The second problem asks, ‘how many miles did you run’ and in how much time.  It requires

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Introduction to Javascript

I really enjoyed the Colt Steele videos.  They move at a nice pace and allow you time to practice the commands. Here are the answers to the tutorial problems. Greetings Stalker Age Calculator Here are the answers to the problem sets. Desserts Credits Quotes Name Character Count Blog Post Question In order to connect a

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